Wooden Venetian Blinds

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The greatest advantage of wooden blinds is their natural beauty. A multitude of shades with a natural play of deeper grains and discoloration fits perfectly to the other elements of the interior and the window frames. We use the exotic linden wood called Basswood.

Wooden blinds with the widths of feathers coming in two sizes: 25mm and 50mm are a unique and exclusive product. A multitude of shades with a natural play of deeper grains and discoloration fits perfectly to the other elements of the interior and the window frames. The 50mm blinds can be joined with a fabric tape.

Please note that wood is a natural product! Slight differences in shades or grain structure and slight warping of the boards are permitted.

  • produced from natural wood
  • ecological lacquered paint
  • aesthetic looks in any interior

– min width:  30cm
– max width: 235cm
– max drop:   300 cm
– 8 different colours available


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